Refund Policy


Your complete satisfaction is our top priority, so our sales team will do everything to ensure that your order is done correctly. For one reason or another that you need to return or have your order redone, we have few guidelines:

  • If there is an issue with your purchase where order isn't what is expected based on the agreed design & material or item is defective, we accept returns within seven (7) days from the delivery date.  Email us at  ThinkerBox reserves the right to reject any return/exchanges if order has met based on what was agreed during order placement or if the cause is due to mishandling of 3rd party couriers. 
  • We kindly ask that all items requested for return is not used or undamaged. Items are expected to be in the exact same condition as when you received it, and is in the original box and/or packaging with all tags, if any.
  • Describe in detail what is the issue on the order based on what was agreed when you placed the order.  Provide pictures when necessary.
  • If item is out of stock for a defective item, we would ask if you would like to have the item replaced with an alternate or have it refunded.
  • In the event that item was damaged due to courier mishandling, Thinkerbox will not accept return.


Once the order has been placed, cancellation will not be allowed. Should you change your mind after placing the order, we will be asking for a fee, up to the amount of work the order has gone through or up to the full amount if production has started.